So much time, so little to do. :)
The garden is lush! The few vegetables we eat are in and it turns out the flowers all survived the winter. Our local nursery had nicotiana (lime green and pink - I've forgotten their latin names) and I'm very excited to see what it is like growing.
The basic triangle in Highland Triangle is still on the landing pad but getting there with three repeats out of five finished. I can't work on it with my eyes closed so it doesn't work for TV knitting and also it has been difficult squeezing knitting in between housecleaning and outside stuff (stacking wood, lawn mowing, brush trimming, weeding - you know the story). This morning it was chilly so I climbed back into bed and knit for an hour while the sun came up. If I could do that every morning, I'd be a happy mama!
I finished an Opal sock but haven't cast on for the second yet. Hopefully today I'll be able to do that.