Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Williams Pullover

Here is a picture of the Williams Pullover so far. I changed the pattern from flat to round and it has been a lot of fun to knit. My biggest mistake so far is not doing a three needle bind off at the shoulders.

The color isn't quite right, but came up very well next to a morning glory. I couldn't resist taking at least ten pictures of those. I guess I'm sucking it up for winter.

The old woodpile is gone and a new unsplit one is here. There is some beautiful locust, red oak and maple and its already seasoned! Two more cords and we are all set for winter.

Had to go to the dentist today and had to laugh. I brought Jaywalker to work on while waiting for the hygenist. I didn't realize how tightly I was clutching it (don't do well at the dentist) until she said kindly "You can hold on to it if you like".

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall is creeping in

It's been so long since I've written, that fall is beginning. The asters are in full bloom and have been covered in honey bees with thick orange leg warmers. I have no idea what I have been doing right, but the roses are still blooming beautifully. Our leaves haven't started turning but a few have been falling and the squirrels have been terribly busy. Unfortunately, so have the ticks.

I cleaned out the attics and had a yard sale and likely won't do that again. We met some nice folks and then there were the pushy folks that kept asking to come in to the house even when they were told no. "Any posters of Jimi Hendrix?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Quite certain, thank you anyway." "Can I get in the house?" "No." "Are you sure there are no posters?" Good grief. The plus side is clutter binging has been slow but steady this last year and it feels great.

I haven't been spinning since Nanny died and so flunked out of Tour de Fleece. I finished a couple of pair of socks though. One set I finally finished for my darling that are (amazingly) too big and a second set intended for me that (surprisingly) also came out too large so I gave them to a friend.

I'm knitting a pair of Jaywalkers now, as well as a sweater (The Williams Pullover) and am slowly knitting the Wool Peddler's Shawl I cast on late summer.

Tremendous thunderstorm right now. I can't miss it so am leaving with this on my mind. It is from the script of Iris.

"We need to believe in something divine
without the need for God,
something we might call love or goodness.
As the Psalm says,
"Whither shall I go from thy spirit?"
"Whither shall I flee from thy presence?"
"If I ascend unto heaven, thou art there:
If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there."
"If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
even there shall thy hand lead me,
and thy right hand shall hold me."
Dear thoughts are in my mind
And my soul soars, enchanted
And tomorrow he shall hear
All my fond heart can say."