Tuesday, October 23, 2007


There is a foul wind blowing out of the east tonight. Spinning has been off and on and in the last year more off, so with a quiet sense of accomplishment (my spinning isn't that great still), I finished plying the blue stuff with glitter this evening.

Looking forward to washing and setting, I tried a niddy noddy for the first time instead of pulling out the clock reel. Completely screwed it up and to make things worse, I looked at the freaking skien before taking it off the noddy.

I'm itching to work on a sweater I started on the machine, but there is a very large bear holed up in its growelry that bellows in some kind of language only I can unfortunately understand that the machine sounds like thunder. Cozy Vest is plotzing along about an inch a week but I don't feel like it tonight.

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