"Take long walks in stormy weather or through deep snow in the field or woods, if you would keep your spirits up. Bear with brute nature. Be cold and hungry and weary ... Ah, but is this not a glorious time of year for your deep inward fires?" - Henry David Thoreau, Journals
Or, you could stack wood, make a paltry attempt at chores and cozy up to the fire and between naps, fix the shawl you completely bolloxed up the night before. I had a hell of a time picking up the stitches for the border because my beginning slipped stitches were off. Where I picked them up, it looks like the eyelet row that came five or six rows later. Anyway, it's back on track (with two eyelet rows) and I was able to knit quite a bit during the debates last night.
Beautiful Shawl Thora! If you get the weather we are having now, you will be damp but not too cold (let you catch up on your wood stacking LOL)
Okay - I'm convinced you are a fast-knitting freak. I saw that thing Friday night, and now it's humongous! ;)
It is stunning, though. Positively beautiful! And I applaud your naps and knitting time carved out amidst your chores. I did the same thing on Sunday. :)
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